The project offers a journey into the Tale of Taliesin, compelling for writers because it provides a pathway to access the poetic imagination. Taliesin means ‘radiant brow’ in Welsh and his story outlines the archetypal process of becoming a creative human being.
We have taken this story of lyrical empowerment and designed original and easy-to-do exercises. Our aim is to lead the writer into connection with the dynamics of sound in language and the power of the four elements as tools of knowing and speaking about the natural world as a participant in a living process rather than a spectator. We will learn how to overcome ‘mumbling spells’ and ‘re-member’ our body poetic. Other topics include:
Thinking like a poet
The authority of the Imagination
The song-line of the essentially human
Truth and untruth in a post-truth culture
The project is suitable for writers at any level of expertise. It is a great way to find your poetic voice or extend the possibilities of your expression through contact with an archetypal story. The performance sessions involve tuition in speech formation for clear and expressive delivery, gesture work and storytelling technique.
The cost per participant for the twelve-week process is $260. It is our hope that anyone who wishes to join the project will register even if the full fee presents a difficulty as bursaries are being sought to support low income recipients.
the Taliesin project
write - perform - engage
Live in Denmark, WA in conjunction with Denmark Arts
The Tale of Taliesin is an initiatory tale whose topics are highly relevant to the situation of the world today. The Welsh story of the bard/initiate Taliesin and his ward Elfin explores the stages of a truly creative response in times of societal and environmental crisis. Topics such as the birth of the poetic/creative capabilities and their inevitable confrontation with the abuse of political power, media manipulation and environmental devastation reveal their timeless dimension in this project.
Participants can expect an in depth journey to develop their capacities as writers and performers. The timeline for the project is as follows:
Stage 1 - five Saturday morning sessions of creative writing to produce new material followed by an editing process. 9 am to 12.30 pm Saturday 14th August to 11th September.
Stage 2 - five sessions of performance technique Saturdays 9 am to 12.30 pm from 25th September to 23rd October followed by
Stage 3 - a performance of the the tale and the new material spoken by the participants for Denmark Arts Brave New Works festival followed by
Stage 4 - one conversation-based workshop for the wider community on the topics of the tale aided by artistic contributions from participants